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Dura Automotive Demonstrates Corporate Corruptness at it’s Finest

Released 10.08.2020 - Sacramento, CA

If Dura execs aren’t already dialing their lawyers, wait til they see the parallels to Enron. Gearing up to spend more money and energy in defamation lawsuit and intimidation tactics than to have simply resolved the issue that inspired this story. The levels of deceptive practices before, during and after bankruptcy, from lower level engineers to company executives is so impeccable, it will be a challenge to articulate in a short press release, but here we go:

In 2018, Dura Automotive purchased equipment in value from a small niche company focused on product compliance. Multiple efforts were made to collect payment, multiple Dura personnel repeatedly stated “Check is in the Mail” and in one instance, claimed to have sent payment via ACH and acted confused when payment was not received.

The EMC Shop, a small company of 10 people, a meer 2,000 miles from Dura. After >12 months of non-payment and following it’s declaration of Chapter 11, The EMC Shop requested the equipment returned, offering to pick it up from headquarters. Engineers and management refused to the company to retake possession of its property. After intense collections efforts by TES were made to resolve, Chief Procurement Manager, Charles Clevenger, offered a quid pro quo - "If you fix this other equipment, we'll pay you some of what we owe you". This was followed by their customary Radio Silence and deceptive behaviour.

Here we are two years later. Engineers in Dura go to work, using equipment that in effect, is stolen. But Dura’s white collar crimes are covered by an umbrella of bureaucracy and legal minutia only lawyers understand, and for a modest fee, they will make sure Dura slowly fades away as it dies, sparing its people the embarrassment like Enron did all those years ago. 

Last point of flagrant corruption is the culture that has these engineers, whom use the equipment each day, believing that the equipment is rightfully theirs.

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For more information or pricing, contact The EMC Shop by calling Toll Free - 844.423.7435 or emailing The EMC Shop, LLC is a stocking test equipment distributor, offering custom solutions, rentals, calibrations, online checkout and more services related to electromagnetic compliance and test equipment. The EMC Shop employs experts in different areas of testing and design. The EMC Shop has key customers in Silicon Valley and the Motor City, supporting cutting edge technology groups including Apple, Google X, Ford, Uber as well as many Navy and Army divisions.

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